- 允许一次上传多个文件,但会有一个上传队列,队列里文件的上传是逐个进行的,服务器端接收文件时跟普通的表单上传文件是一样的(相当于表单一次提交了一个file,但是提交了多次,后台处理的时候只需要处理一次即可);
- 用flash进行上传,页面无刷新,且可自定义Flash按钮的样式, 类似AJAX的无刷新上传,里面可以引入swf文件实现动态效果;
- 可以显示上传进度,也可以在浏览器端就对要上传的文件格式,大小等进行配置(只需要配置一个参数即可,比用js的数据验证要好很多);
- 良好的浏览器兼容性并且兼容其他JavaScript库 (例如:jQuery,EXT, Prototype等);一般含有flash插件的即可正常运行,但是好像最低要求flash的版本要达到flash9;
- SwfUpload还提供了丰富的事件接口供开发者使用;开发者可以自定义各种和上传相关的事件;
1、引入相应的js文件 (swfupload.js和swfupload.queue.js必须引入)
2、实例化SWFUpload对象,传入一个配置参数对象进行各方面的配置。 3、点击SWFUpload提供的Flash按钮(也可以更改配置信息中的button_image_url参数来配置自己的按钮),弹出文件选取窗口选择要上传的文件; 4、文件选取完成后符合规定的文件会被添加到上传的队列里; 5、调用startUpload方法让队列里文件开始上传; 6、文件上传过程中会触发相应的事件(想要触发什么事件需要自己定义,但是一般网上搜一下就可以了,大部分定义都相同,我也会贴出我的代码),开发者利用这些事件来更新ui、处理错误、发出提示等等; 下面说我的项目中SpringMVC+SwfUpload的配置过程及代码:引入相应的JS文件后实例化SwfUpload对象(JS代码,一般嵌入到jsp文件中或者单独写一个文件引入到jsp页面内):
1 var swfu; 2 3 window.onload = function() { 4 var settings = { 5 flash_url : "swfupload/swfupload.swf", 6 flash9_url : "swfupload/swfupload_fp9.swf", 7 upload_url: "http://localhost:8080/ams/upload/fileUpload.do", 8 post_params: {"PHPSESSID" : "aa"}, 9 file_size_limit : "100 MB",10 file_types : "*.*",11 file_post_name : "filedata",12 file_types_description : "All Files",13 file_upload_limit : 100,14 file_queue_limit : 0,15 custom_settings : {16 progressTarget : "fsUploadProgress",17 cancelButtonId : "btnCancel"18 },19 debug: true,20 21 // Button settings22 button_image_url: "images/TestImageNoText_65x29.png",23 button_width: "65",24 button_height: "29",25 button_placeholder_id: "spanButtonPlaceHolder",26 button_text: 'Hello',27 button_text_style: ".theFont { font-size: 16; }",28 button_text_left_padding: 12,29 button_text_top_padding: 3,30 31 // The event handler functions are defined in handlers.js32 swfupload_preload_handler : preLoad,33 swfupload_load_failed_handler : loadFailed,34 file_queued_handler : fileQueued,35 file_queue_error_handler : fileQueueError,36 upload_start_handler : uploadStart,37 upload_progress_handler : uploadProgress,38 upload_error_handler : uploadError,39 upload_success_handler : uploadSuccess40 };41 42 swfu = new SWFUpload(settings);43 };
1 function preLoad() { 2 if (!this.support.loading) { 3 alert("You need the Flash Player 9.028 or above to use SWFUpload."); 4 return false; 5 } 6 } 7 function loadFailed() { 8 alert("Something went wrong while loading SWFUpload. If this were a real application we'd clean up and then give you an alternative"); 9 } 10 11 function fileQueued(file) { 12 try { 13 var progress = new FileProgress(file, this.customSettings.progressTarget); 14 progress.setStatus("Pending..."); 15 progress.toggleCancel(true, this); 16 17 } catch (ex) { 18 this.debug(ex); 19 } 20 21 } 22 23 function fileQueueError(file, errorCode, message) { 24 try { 25 if (errorCode === SWFUpload.QUEUE_ERROR.QUEUE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) { 26 alert("You have attempted to queue too many files.\n" + (message === 0 ? "You have reached the upload limit." : "You may select " + (message > 1 ? "up to " + message + " files." : "one file."))); 27 return; 28 } 29 30 var progress = new FileProgress(file, this.customSettings.progressTarget); 31 progress.setError(); 32 progress.toggleCancel(false); 33 34 switch (errorCode) { 35 case SWFUpload.QUEUE_ERROR.FILE_EXCEEDS_SIZE_LIMIT: 36 progress.setStatus("File is too big."); 37 this.debug("Error Code: File too big, File name: " + file.name + ", File size: " + file.size + ", Message: " + message); 38 break; 39 case SWFUpload.QUEUE_ERROR.ZERO_BYTE_FILE: 40 progress.setStatus("Cannot upload Zero Byte files."); 41 this.debug("Error Code: Zero byte file, File name: " + file.name + ", File size: " + file.size + ", Message: " + message); 42 break; 43 case SWFUpload.QUEUE_ERROR.INVALID_FILETYPE: 44 progress.setStatus("Invalid File Type."); 45 this.debug("Error Code: Invalid File Type, File name: " + file.name + ", File size: " + file.size + ", Message: " + message); 46 break; 47 default: 48 if (file !== null) { 49 progress.setStatus("Unhandled Error"); 50 } 51 this.debug("Error Code: " + errorCode + ", File name: " + file.name + ", File size: " + file.size + ", Message: " + message); 52 break; 53 } 54 } catch (ex) { 55 this.debug(ex); 56 } 57 } 58 59 function fileDialogComplete(numFilesSelected, numFilesQueued) { 60 try { 61 if (numFilesSelected > 0) { 62 document.getElementById(this.customSettings.cancelButtonId).disabled = false; 63 } 64 65 /* I want auto start the upload and I can do that here */ 66 this.startUpload(); 67 } catch (ex) { 68 this.debug(ex); 69 } 70 } 71 72 function uploadStart(file) { 73 try { 74 /* I don't want to do any file validation or anything, I'll just update the UI and 75 return true to indicate that the upload should start. 76 It's important to update the UI here because in Linux no uploadProgress events are called. The best 77 we can do is say we are uploading. 78 */ 79 var progress = new FileProgress(file, this.customSettings.progressTarget); 80 progress.setStatus("Uploading..."); 81 progress.toggleCancel(true, this); 82 } 83 catch (ex) {} 84 85 return true; 86 } 87 88 function uploadProgress(file, bytesLoaded, bytesTotal) { 89 try { 90 var percent = Math.ceil((bytesLoaded / bytesTotal) * 100); 91 92 var progress = new FileProgress(file, this.customSettings.progressTarget); 93 progress.setProgress(percent); 94 progress.setStatus("Uploading..."); 95 } catch (ex) { 96 this.debug(ex); 97 } 98 } 99 100 function uploadSuccess(file, serverData) {101 try {102 var progress = new FileProgress(file, this.customSettings.progressTarget);103 progress.setComplete();104 progress.setStatus("Complete.");105 progress.toggleCancel(false);106 107 } catch (ex) {108 this.debug(ex);109 }110 }111 112 function uploadError(file, errorCode, message) {113 try {114 var progress = new FileProgress(file, this.customSettings.progressTarget);115 progress.setError();116 progress.toggleCancel(false);117 118 switch (errorCode) {119 case SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR.HTTP_ERROR:120 progress.setStatus("Upload Error: " + message);121 this.debug("Error Code: HTTP Error, File name: " + file.name + ", Message: " + message);122 break;123 case SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR.UPLOAD_FAILED:124 progress.setStatus("Upload Failed.");125 this.debug("Error Code: Upload Failed, File name: " + file.name + ", File size: " + file.size + ", Message: " + message);126 break;127 case SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR.IO_ERROR:128 progress.setStatus("Server (IO) Error");129 this.debug("Error Code: IO Error, File name: " + file.name + ", Message: " + message);130 break;131 case SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR.SECURITY_ERROR:132 progress.setStatus("Security Error");133 this.debug("Error Code: Security Error, File name: " + file.name + ", Message: " + message);134 break;135 case SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR.UPLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED:136 progress.setStatus("Upload limit exceeded.");137 this.debug("Error Code: Upload Limit Exceeded, File name: " + file.name + ", File size: " + file.size + ", Message: " + message);138 break;139 case SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR.FILE_VALIDATION_FAILED:140 progress.setStatus("Failed Validation. Upload skipped.");141 this.debug("Error Code: File Validation Failed, File name: " + file.name + ", File size: " + file.size + ", Message: " + message);142 break;143 case SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR.FILE_CANCELLED:144 // If there aren't any files left (they were all cancelled) disable the cancel button145 if (this.getStats().files_queued === 0) {146 document.getElementById(this.customSettings.cancelButtonId).disabled = true;147 }148 progress.setStatus("Cancelled");149 progress.setCancelled();150 break;151 case SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR.UPLOAD_STOPPED:152 progress.setStatus("Stopped");153 break;154 default:155 progress.setStatus("Unhandled Error: " + errorCode);156 this.debug("Error Code: " + errorCode + ", File name: " + file.name + ", File size: " + file.size + ", Message: " + message);157 break;158 }159 } catch (ex) {160 this.debug(ex);161 }162 }163 164 function uploadComplete(file) {165 if (this.getStats().files_queued === 0) {166 document.getElementById(this.customSettings.cancelButtonId).disabled = true;167 }168 }169 170 // This event comes from the Queue Plugin171 function queueComplete(numFilesUploaded) {172 var status = document.getElementById("divStatus");173 status.innerHTML = numFilesUploaded + " file" + (numFilesUploaded === 1 ? "" : "s") + " uploaded.";174 }
1 2 3 4SWFUpload Demos - Simple Demo 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 121316 17SWFUpload
14v2.5.0151835 36External Interface Demo
19 34
13 4 5
1 @ResponseBody 2 @RequestMapping("/fileUpload.do") 3 public String fileUpload(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestParam("filedata")MultipartFile file) throws Exception { 4 5 request.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");//解决乱码问题 6 try{ 7 String uploadDir = request.getServletContext().getRealPath("/upload");//获取上传目录的路径 8 //获得目录,如果目录不存在,则创建目录 9 File dirPath = new File(uploadDir); 10 if (!dirPath.exists()) { 11 dirPath.mkdirs(); 12 } 13 //开始文件上传14 InputStream inputStream = file.getInputStream(); //获得输入流 15 String fileName = file.getOriginalFilename(); //获得原始名字 16 17 String fileNameFull = uploadDir + "/" + fileName; 18 OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(fileNameFull);//获得输出流 19 int bytesRead = 0; 20 byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; 21 22 while ((bytesRead = inputStream.read(buffer, 0, 8192)) != -1) 23 { 24 //输出到目标文件夹25 outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); 26 } 27 outputStream.close(); 28 // close the stream 29 inputStream.close(); 30 }catch(Exception e){ 31 e.printStackTrace(); 32 return "error";33 }34 return "ok";35 }
2.进行编码转换,fileName = new String(fileName.getBytes("GBK"),"UTF-8");//反正就是进行编码的转换
后台获得file是一个一个获取的,即如果你上传10个文件,那就是分十次来调用后台Java代码的,每次调用上传一个文件,所以后台只需要对一个文件进行处理即可,这些文件传递到后台的name属性值是相同的,通过 file_post_name : "filedata"来进行配置,这个时候后台获取file只要通过filedata即可了!